Enhancing Students' Character via Chess Sports Achievement Training at Madrasah Tsanawiyah


  • Ratno Susanto Nusa Cendana University
  • Siti Khodijah Lubis Univeritas Negeri Medan
  • Deviyanti Pangestu Univeritas Lampung
  • Achmad Afandi Universitas Insan Budi Utomo


Providing chess instruction for success at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah school, which is situated on the outskirts of the city on the district's boundary, is the goal of this community service project. Given that chess not only fosters academic growth but can also help students develop better character, chess achievement training at Madrasah Tsawaniyah is crucial for enhancing students' moral character. Students can develop their mental and emotional abilities to become more disciplined, patient, responsible, and capable of critical and analytical thinking by playing chess, a game that requires strategy, focus, and fast decision-making. This approach to community service involves student approaches, training, and monitoring. As a result of this community contribution, Madrasah Tsawaniyah Nurul Huda Dau is offering chess achievement training with the goal of enhancing students' chess abilities and character development. Overall, this training's outcomes may be broken down into multiple key categories: The majority of training participants demonstrated an increase in their chess playing abilities. To sum up, Madrasah Tsawaniyah Nurul Huda Dau's chess performance training has been successful in enhancing students' chess playing abilities and fortifying their moral fiber.





