Author Guidelines

Writing instructions Indonesian Journal of Community Dedication

General requirements 

  1. Manuscripts received are articles that have never been published in any journal or are not in the status of being accepted for publication
  2. Manuscripts of community service documents related to the fields of education, arts, literature, culture, social affairs, human resources development, health, nutrition, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, agriculture, human development and national competitiveness, development of infrastructure and human resources, rural management of coastal areas, local wisdom, economic development, small and medium enterprises and environmentally sound technology development
  3. Community service manuscripts are published online, not in printout form.

Writing system

  1. The manuscript consists of 3000-5000 words, typed with 1.15 spacing on A4 size paper with Cambria Math font size 12. The writing to be published is in Indonesian and English
  2. The manuscript's structure consists of a Title, Author, Email, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Bibliography.
  3. Manuscripts that do not comply with the IJCD: Indonesian Journal of Community Dedication writing guidelines will be returned to the author before the peer review.

Article Writing Conditions:

The title must clearly describe the substance of the research with a maximum of 15 words and use 14 font sizes, Time New Roman.

The abstract should be written in English and Indonesian with a maximum of 150 words for each language and keywords, a maximum of 10 words and a font size of 10. This section briefly describes your article's background, research methods, results, and conclusions. This section serves as a synopsis of your article.

The Manuscripts are prepared in A4 paper format with 1.15 spacing (for convenience, use the template provided. Click here)

Introduction: This section includes background and gap analysis which reinforces the argument why the research was conducted. Please include primary references from similar publications from the last ten years to show your text's novelty. Refrain from including a theory or literature review in this section.

Methods: In this section, you are asked to describe the methods and steps in your research, including how data is validated, processed, and presented. You are also asked to include the research tools used. That way, the Methods section will open up opportunities for adaptation and duplication of similar studies in the future.

Results and discussion contain descriptions of community service data in the field and results or outcomes from increasing knowledge, skills or products. The results also reveal the level of achievement of the target activities. Writing in this section needs to be completed with photos, tables, graphs, charts, images, and so on. A logical argument accompanies the discussion by linking the results of dedication to the community with a theory/literature review, the results of service or relevant research.

Conclusions and Suggestions: Conclusions contain a summary of the research results and discussion. Conclusions are research findings in the form of answers to research questions or objectives. The study results provide suggestions/contributions to the application and development of science. 

 Reference: The bibliography is compiled using APA with DOI Style methods and is required to use standard citation applications (Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote, etc.). Please use primary references from publications of scientific articles in your paper, at least 15 references.