Islam is a religion that is Rahmatan Lilalamine. To obtain a national and state life that is approved by Allah, it cannot be separated from legal provisions. As believers, we must follow the legal commands contained in its teachings, as Islam also has regulations and laws that must be obeyed by its followers. The sources of Islamic law are the Koran and Sunnah, the Word of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet which are the main foundations of Islamic teachings. The purpose of this writing is to understand the two sources of law which cannot be separated from each other. Knowing the Relationship Between the Two in the Interpretation of Laws Applicable in Islam. Avoid if there is a misunderstanding between these two sources of law, it will harm the existence of that source of law. Research Methods Using Library Research Methods or Library Research. The results of the discussion understand the two sources of Naqli law, namely: Al-Qur'an and Al-Sunnah. We will receive legal advice in accordance with the guidance of the Sharia and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. The aim is to maintain Maqashid Sharia for a life that is beneficial and avoids evil.